Terry Hui, the dynamic CEO of Concord Pacific, has been instrumental in transforming the real estate landscape of Canada. With a focus on sustainability, innovation, and community-centric development, Hui has led Concord Pacific to become a leader in urban development.

Early Beginnings and Educational Background

Terry Hui was born in China and spent his formative years in Hong Kong before moving to Canada. He pursued his higher education at the University of British Columbia, where he earned a degree in Engineering. This technical foundation has been a cornerstone of his strategic and analytical approach to real estate development.

The Genesis of Concord Pacific

Concord Pacific was founded following the acquisition of the former Expo 86 site in Vancouver. This massive waterfront area was envisioned as a concord pacific ceo futuristic urban neighborhood. Terry Hui joined Concord Pacific in the early 1990s and has since been pivotal in driving the company’s success and expanding its portfolio.

Hallmarks of Innovation

Under Hui’s stewardship, Concord Pacific has been at the forefront of integrating innovative design with sustainable practices. Concord Pacific Place in Vancouver is a flagship example, featuring state-of-the-art buildings, extensive green spaces, and advanced infrastructure. Hui’s vision of creating interconnected, sustainable communities has set new standards in urban development.

Pioneering Sustainable Practices

Terry Hui is a staunch advocate for sustainability. Concord Pacific developments are known for their green building technologies, energy efficiency, and environmental stewardship. The use of green roofs, smart energy systems, and comprehensive waste management protocols are standard in their projects, reflecting Hui’s commitment to the environment.

Expansion and Development

Concord Pacific’s influence extends beyond Vancouver. The company has successfully undertaken major projects in Toronto, Calgary, and other Canadian cities. Concord Adex in Toronto is a prime example of Hui’s ability to transform underutilized spaces into thriving urban centers. This large-scale redevelopment project has revitalized a former industrial area into a modern residential and commercial district.

Community Involvement and Philanthropy

Hui’s leadership goes beyond real estate development. He is deeply invested in community engagement and philanthropy. Through various initiatives, Concord Pacific supports education, health, and social services, contributing to the overall well-being of the communities they build. Hui believes in creating not just buildings but also thriving, supportive environments.

The Future of Concord Pacific

Looking ahead, Terry Hui’s vision for Concord Pacific continues to evolve. He remains committed to pushing the boundaries of urban development, with a focus on sustainability and smart city technologies. Future projects aim to integrate even more advanced technologies and eco-friendly practices, ensuring that Concord Pacific remains a leader in the industry.


Terry Hui’s leadership has been a driving force behind Concord Pacific’s success. His innovative approach, combined with a deep commitment to sustainability and community, has redefined urban living in Canada. As he continues to lead Concord Pacific into the future, Hui’s contributions to real estate and urban development will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy.

By Robert

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